
Top chestii pe 2010

it's here (too)


Google Body Browser

The World - 200 Years of Development

Black and Blue


reclame out of competition

social networku' fără fir

Chintesenţa problemelor de spaţiu

Master Mind Application

Be Stupid!

I'm blogging and I'm not drunk

Bun venit in noua mea lume!

colocviul national studentesc al găgăilor literati de pretutindeni

Seasick Mutiny

şoarecele ăsta n-are ce căuta în cutia mea craniana

Break a leg, young lady!

De ce lasă corporatiştii luminile aprinse noaptea?

Frankie vs Sam

Uat ei dei!

the other side of one's straight face,

rewind. replay

still here

the hottie of my dreams... :X


with this voice locked in my mind I go to sleep. with you

intuitivii si ceaţa

on simple things


Joaca de-a profu'

Geniile se cunosc după orar

Înfrângerea Pusineascăi

Oct, 1, 64 years later: US says "Sorry for infecting ya, folks!"

It's here! For the 15th time


Din amintirile copilului-copac-de-radio

"existential questions" featuring dolls

sinucigaş recidivist or how to stay urban 'till you die for good

The first TV commercials targeting LGBT audience

(the) one who hopes

vineri noapte de filme


wreck of the day

the 3 a.m. dilemma

Poveştile mele încep cu ,,eram"

Lip Service

Reconsidering Ubuntu

se duce leviatanul la salamandră...

the wine song

Leapşa - 20 de lucruri care-mi plac

something manly


9 days of silence

Gala Hop Ţop Poc

